Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Remember Allison Stokke?

Well let me remind you then...

She is a high school pole vaulter (she may be in college now) who as you can tell by the picture looks ridiculous. Ridiculously amazing that is!!! I think I became instantly fallen when the stories about her first came out on some bloggers sites.

Well guess what? There is a new girl. Her name, Amanda Cicchini. She is a bit older, a junior in college at WVU and pretty good at soccer. This explains why West Virginias football team wasn't ready to play Pittsburgh, the players were way too busy checking her out in the athletic department the week of the game. What is it with hot athletes that gets us going? She is being called the 2007 version of stokke, quite a title to hold. Amanda clearly deserves the title of the next Allsion Stokke. Not taking anything away from you miss Stokke, you still have my heart.


Junior said...

hey this is Junior from Sports shit. THANK YOU for pointing out who Allison Stokke is...WOW...chic is smoking hot..I just love hot female athletes....its the best of both worlds

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