Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Some guy wont practice

Stephan Marbury the superstar horrible point guard for the New York Knicks has decided that he doesn't need practice which is very funny if you watch the video on my last post. Instead of going to Madison Square Garden for practice this morning, Marbury was seen eating McDonald's and making it rain with some hookers on the side of the road. This has led to speculation that Starbury will be out as a member of the New York Basketball Knicks and left on the streets homeless. OK that last part is a joke because he is still owed 42 million dollars over 2 seasons.

"Marbury's contract is worth $42 million over the next two seasons. If the Knicks buy Marbury out, he'd be a free agent. He could also be traded"

This makes me so sad because I love Starbury. Oh wait did I just say that? I mean I could give a rats ass what happens with Stephan, he is a waste of space on the gym floor. Go sell some more 15 dollar shoes at Steve and Barrys buddy.

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